Herrenvolk | Unruhe | Home | Teliko | The Field Where I Died | Sanguinarium | Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man | Paper Hearts | Tunguska | Terma | El Mundo Gira | Kaddish | Never Again | Leanord Betts | Memento Mori | Unrequited | Tempus Fugit | Max | Synchrony | Small Potatoes | Zero Sum | Elegy | Demons | Gethsemane
3:86 sec
Mulder: [surrounded by hogs] Scully, would you think less of me as a man if I told you I was kind of excited right now?
10:58 sec
Scully: This seat taken?
Mulder: No. But I should warn you, I'm experiencing violent impulses.
Scully: Well, I'm armed so I'll take my chances.
4:70 sec
Mulder: Scully. I never saw you as a mother before.
4:50 sec
Scully: Now we all have a natural instinct to propogate.
Mulder: Do we?
3:34 sec
Scully: Meanwhile, I've quit the FBI and become a spokesperson for the AbRoller.
7:45 sec
Mulder: Well, just find yourself a man with a spotless genetic makeup and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping out the little UberScullies.
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man
10:03 sec
Mulder: Now, what's going on?
Langly: Frohike's close.
Frohike: Don't use my name! What the hell's wrong with you? Now I'll have to kill you.
[the following simultaneously]
Byers: Langly and I performed three... on the GPM 700 and it did not detect a single harm... or any bug.
Frohike: He's everywhere, everywhere! He'll kill me! The GPM 700 is a piece of crap!
2:97 sec
Mulder: No one would kill you, Frohike. You're just a little puppydog.
1:30 sec
CSM: Payback's a bitch, Ivan.
3:93 sec
CSM: Your lies have killed more men in a day than I have in a lifetime.
Paper Hearts
2:58 sec
Samantha: Mom and Dad said I could watch the movie, buttmunch.
2:99 sec
Mulder: It's good to put my arms around you. Both of them.
Never Again
1:94 sec
Scully: Not everything is about you, Mulder.
1:26 sec
Mulder: What, do you got a date or something?
1:04 sec
Scully: Why don't I have a desk?
3:87 sec
Mulder: So, you're refusing an assignment based on the adventures of Moose and Squirrel?
1:42 sec
Scully: I don't go out very much.
Memento Mori
3:66 sec
Mulder: Well, pick out something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching.
5:83 sec
Mulder: The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us.
3:23 sec
Skinner: Alright, people, listen up because we don't have much time here.
2:70 sec
Skinner: We've just received information your life might be in danger.
Small Potatoes
3:86 sec
Mulder: How would this happen?
Scully: The birds and the bees and the monkey babies, Mulder.
1:57 sec
Scully: Did he have a lightsaber?
3:06 sec
Mulder: Hey, Scully, should we be picking out china patterns, or what?
10:75 sec
Eddie Van Blundht as Mulder: We never really, uh, talk much, do we?
Scully: What do you mean, like really talk? No. No, we don't, Mulder.
Van Blundht as Mulder: Well, what's stopping us?
newside .wav
7:23 sec
Scully: You know, I'm seeing a whole new side of you, Mulder.
Van Blundht as Mulder: Is that a good thing?
Scully: I like it.
2:06 sec
Van Blundht as Mulder: That's official FBI business.
6:91 sec
Van Blundht as Mulder: You lookin' at me? There ain't nobody else here, you must be lookin' at me.
4:70 sec
Scully: I don't imagine you need to be told this, Mulder, but you're not a loser.
3:38 sec
Mulder: Birds do it, bees do it, even educated MD's do it.
If you have any sounds that you are willing to share with me, please email me!
I'll be sure to give you credit. :)